Programming Manual MSO/UPO2000 Series
101 / 156
:SBUS:LIN:POLarity {NORMal | INVert}
Functional description
This command is used to set LIN bus polarity of the oscilloscope, which includes NORMal (normal, high =1)
and INVert (invert, high=0).
Return format
Query returns {NORMal | INVert}.
For example
Set LIN bus polarity to NORMal.
Query returns POSitive.
Command format
Functional description
This command is used to set LIN bus version of the oscilloscope.
{VER1| VER2|ANY}:V1.x version, V2.x version and random version.
Return format
Query returns {VER1| VER2|ANY}.
For example
Set LIN bus version to V1.x version.
Query returns POSitive.
Command format
:SBUS:LIN:SIGNal:BAUDrate <baudrate>
Functional description
This command is used to set baud rate of LIN bus signal of the oscilloscope. <baudrate> range is 1~100000,
unit is bps.
Return format
Query returns signal baud rate.
For example
:SBUS:LIN:SIGNal:BAUDrate 100000
Set baud rate of LIN bus signal to 100kbps.
Query returns 100000.
Command format