Programming Manual MSO/UPO2000 Series
14 / 156
Command format
:CHANnel<n>:BWLimit {{1|ON}|{0|OFF}}
Functional description
This command is used to set the bandwidth limit to ON or OFF.
ON: turn on bandwidth limit to 20 MHz, to reduce display noise.
OFF: turn off bandwidth limit to achieve full babdwidth display.
it represents {CH1|CH2} separately.
Return format
Query returns 1 or 0, it represents ON or OFF separately.
For example
Turn on the bandwidth limit of channel 1.
Query returns 1
it represents the bandwidth limit of channel 1 is turned on.
Command format
:CHANnel<n>:COUPling {DC|AC|GND}
Functional description
This command is used to set the channel coupling mode. DC represents the AC and DC component that can
be through the input signal; AC represents the DC component that blocks the input signal; GND represents
cut-off the input signal.
<n>: {1|2|3|4}, it represents {CH1|CH2} separately.
Return format
Query AC, DC or GND.
For example
Set the coupling mode of channel 1 to DC.
Query returns DC.
Command format
:CHANnel<n>:DISPlay { {1|ON} | {0|OFF} }
Functional description
This command is used to turn on/off the specified channel.
<n>: {1|2|3|4}, it represents {CH1|CH2} separately.
Return format
Query returns 1 or 0
it represents ON or OFF separately.
For example
Turn on Channel 1.