Programming Manual MSO/UPO2000 Series
20 / 156
The waveform of channel 1 displays independently.
Query returns CHANnel1.
FUNCtion Command
This command is used to display the operation result of the waveform of CH1, CH2, CH3, and CH4. The operation
is add, subtract, multiply, divide and FFT. Set filter to use the expression to operating.
Command format
Functional description
This command is used to select MATH mode.
Return format
Query returns {MATH|FFT|FILTer|ADVance}.
For example
Set MATH mode to FFT mode.
Query returns FFT.
Command format
:FUNCtion:OPERation {ADD | SUBTract | MULTiply | DIVide }
Functional description
This command is used to set functional operator, which includes the basic and logical operation. That is
add, subtract, multiply and divide.
Return format
Query returns {ADD | SUBTract | MULTiply | DIVide}.
For example
:FUNCtion:OPERation ADD
Use add operator: src1+src2.
Query returns ADD.
Command format
:FUNCtion:SOURce<m> {CHANnel1| CHANnel2| CHANnel3| CHANnel4}
Functional description
SOURce <m> represents source 1 or source 2. <m> take value from 1, 2.
SOURce1 is used for selecting the first source of operator mathematical functions. And which can be a
signle source of Filter, FFT.
is used to select the second source of operator mathematical functions. Single source of Filter,