Customer Service: 888-269-7477
Using automated (touchtone) systems
, you can easily navigate through automated phone menu
systems (example: press “1” for sales, press “2” for shipping, etc.). You can
press number buttons at any time during a call to make selections. You do
not need to wait for captions prior to pressing your selection. The captioning
service continuously transcribes anything that is said over the phone,
regardless of what you are saying or which buttons you press.
Some automated systems have very short response times which may
disconnect you. If this happens, simply hang up and try the call again.
Difficulty hearing over the
840i handset
• Try adjusting the volume setting by pressing the VOLUME bar. To increase
the volume, press and hold the right side of the bar. Watch the status lights
above the VOLUME bar to know what the setting is. See page 30.
• Try adjusting the TONE setting to enhance different frequency sounds. Press
the TONE key to emphasize HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW frequency sounds. See
page 31 for details.
Display screen seems to be “stuck” at Waiting for Captions
status bar. Nothing seems to be happening.
• Press the CAPTIONS button off and then on again.
• Hang up your
840i phone and try to place the call again.
• If you are still experiencing the problem, unplug your
840i from the
power adapter, wait 10 seconds, then plug the power back in again. This
“resets” the
840i, in the same way you might “reset” your computer.
Try making the call again. Warning: resetting the phone will erase any
conversations saved in memory.
• Try unplugging the
AC adapter, then turning off the Router and the
Internet modem. Wait a few seconds, then turn on the modem (make sure
it’s fully reset, with lights going steady). Next, turn on the Router, making
sure it is fully reset. Then plug in the
phone AC adapter, all in that
order. Wait for the logo screen to appear.
• If the problem still persists, please contact
Customer Service for help.