NT 208D GB1
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Case 2
: In addition to the points mentioned above, the possible causes are:
Poor control of the installed dimensions, or of the product characterisation or of the
Zero point :
Correct and reanalyse
An installation constructed with poor hydraulic conditions :
If possible, change the location of the probes or spool piece if possible.
Otherwise, for external probes, choose KHydro = Manual and adjust this
coefficient to obtain the expected flow rate reading.
Or, for internal probes, adjust the coefficients CV 1 & 2.
The range of speed of sound to be measured is too wide for the chosen setup :
With S.E. probes, a direct mode ( / ) may be preferable to a reflex mode ( V )
Have you correctly set Co and Delta C range?
An unstable fluid causing the ESC mode to restart too often:
try the AUTO mode with a reduced margin (
12 dB)
The expected measurement requires greater precision :
The MiniSonic allows the input of a “Linearization” correction law.
Plot the error curve and use the software to enter the complementary law (Factory
Adjustments Menu).
The Delta t offered by the measurement conditions (Diameter, Flow Rate,
Assembly, and Choice of probes) is too low to claim any measurement accuracy.
Is it possible to revise these choices?
The measurement conditions reveal poor control of transitions from turbulent to
laminar configurations:
Revise the declared Reynolds Critical and range (LBR) values.
Case 3
: The MiniSonic does not operate:
There is no display or measurement transmission ( 4
– 20 mA ) .
Is the MiniSonic powered up? Check with a voltmeter.
Has it failed? If yes, the only solution is to call in our after-sales service.
If the MiniSonic displays INIT constantly, attempt a power cutoff, then re-energize.
If the fault persists, contact Ultraflux (Problem with the microprocessor).
If the fault disappears, it may come back and could be due to excessively high
impedance in the supply source.
If the MiniSonic displays “Flow Rate Fault”, this message does not mean that the
MiniSonic has failed, but that the ultrasound signals have not reached the expected
level or are outside the window [Co +/- Delta C]. There are several possibilities :
Pipe is empty?
Physical problem from site: Two-phase, highly charged or too viscous fluid?
Is pipe too old, which does not transmit ultrasonic signals?
Unsuitable installation mode = try Direct mode (\) or other sensors.
Incorrect sensor installation (orientation, coupling … ) .