NT 208D GB1
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1. Once the cabling has been carried out and verified, power up the system:
The MiniSonic must display its delivered configuration screens:
- Hardware version = MiniSonic 600-2 or 2000-
2 and P.C. Board (MK4_M…)
- Software version = 18.10-01 (e.g.
– make a note of the first figure)
- Serial number = see if it is identical to the company nameplate
- Technical information: parameterized probes
Then it automatically switches to the measurement function (Q = …)
Check the consistency of these messages with respect to your application.
If the converter has been delivered pre-parameterized, startup can stop there.
However, it is recommended you check and, if necessary, to optimize the
adjustments, taking into consideration the exact dimensions and, if possible, zero
flow conditions (see the “Self-zero Adjustment” menu).
2. Parameter settings using the PC software
Refer to the manual supplied with the software (CD-ROM) .
The fields of the main values to be entered are listed below under Heading
The software offers extended configuration possibilities.
At the end of the manual, a printout of a typical file is given.
3. Parameter settings using the keyboard
Successive pressing on the
key, or
gives access from the
“Measurements Display” menu to the titles of the different menus :
Access (Authorization) to Adjustments
Pipe parameters
Flow rate / Fluid parameters
Probe parameters
General parameters including Outlets
Zero adjustment
Optionally: “Current outputs setting” and “Factory Adjustments”.
To enter the Menu, use the
key in the same way as to move to the next field to be
filled in .
To modify (text or values), use
Exit from the menu is by the
key with return to the “Measurement Display” menu
If there is no action on the keypad for 1 mn, the MiniSonic automatically returns to
“Measurement Display” menu
When inside a menu, the browser only scrolls forwards. When necessary, do a
complete scroll..