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One or more of the load step resistor for the load step in question has failed or burned open
(check and replace as necessary).
11) Load Step contactor or relay chattering.
Contacts are pitted or oxidized.
Magnetic core and coil are dirty or corroded.
Coil connections to the contactor are loose.
120 VAC control circuit line voltage is low and/or inadequate.
12) Power circuit fuses are blown
Fuses and/or circuit breaker trip settings are undersized.
A short circuit exists at the Load Bank Resistor.
A short exists in the power conductors feeding the Load Bank Resistor. Note: When
checking fuses for continuity, remove all fuses from fuse blocks, bus bars, fuse holders, and
disconnect switch. Test each fuse individually and out of circuit. A blown fuse left in the
circuit may check out OK with false reading of continuity due to feedback and return paths
within the