NORA-W36 series - System integration manual
UBX-22021120 - R01
Page 25 of 48
NORA-W36 u-connectXpress software
NORA-W36 stand-alone modules are delivered with embedded u-connectXpress software.
Typical examples of the applications and use cases supported by NORA-W36 series modules include:
Connection of Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) sensors to the cloud over Wi-Fi
Communication over serial, Bluetooth LE and Wi-Fi interfaces
Device configuration using Bluetooth LE or Wi-Fi connected smartphones
Secure cloud connection using TLS and MQTT protocols
Using industry-standard AT commands, this is the software that manages the combination of Wi-Fi
connectivity and Bluetooth Low Energy.
For information about the features, capabilities, and use of u-connectXpress software, see the
u-connectXpress AT commands manual
shows the structure of the embedded u-connectXpress software supported in NORA-W36
standalone modules.
Figure 8: NORA-W36-connectXpress software structure