MIA-M10Q - Integration manual
Figure 12: State machine Acquisition timeout
The receiver has internal, external, and user-configurable mechanisms that determine the time
to be spent in acquisition state. This logic is put in place to ensure good performance and low
power consumption in different environments and scenarios. This collective logic is referred to as
acquisition timeout.
The configuration items related to acquisition timeout are described in section
Internal mechanisms:
• If the receiver is able to acquire weak signals but not of the quality needed to get a fix, it will
transition to the "Inactive for search" state after the timeout configured in MAXACQTIME or
earlier if too few signals are acquired.
• If the receiver is unable to acquire any signals or it acquires a small number of extremely bad
signals (e.g., no sky view), it will transition to the "Inactive for search" state after the timeout
configured in MAXACQTIME.
User-configurable mechanisms:
• MINACQTIME is the minimum time that the receiver will spend in the "Acquisition" state
• MAXACQTIME is the maximum time that the receiver will spend in the "Acquisition" state.
• DONOTENTEROFF forces the receiver to stay awake and in the "Acquisition" state even when a
fix is not possible.
External mechanisms:
• The receiver is forced to stay awake if EXTINTWAKE is enabled and the EXTINT pin is set to
"high". The receiver is forced to stay in the "Inactive for search/Fix" states if EXTINTBACKUP is
enabled and the EXTINT pin is set to "low".
• The receiver is forced to stay awake if EXTINTINACTIVE is enabled and the EXTINT pin is
toggled. If EXTINT pin state is not changed for a longer time than EXTINTINACTIVITY, the
receiver enters the "Inactive for search/Fix" states.
UBX-21028173 - R01
2 Receiver functionality
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