UBI EasyCoder 501 – Technical Manual
Printhead Pressure:
At printing, the thermal printhead must be pressed against the
pressing roller so the heat can be transferred to the ribbon or thermal
paper. There must also be enough pressure to provide a sufficient
amount of friction between the paper and the pressing roller that
drives the paper. Too weak pressure gives a weak printout quality,
whereas too strong pressure may cause ribbon wrinkling and
unnecessary wear of the printhead.
The pressure is factory adjusted, but special applications or a
change between printing methods may require readjustment using
the trial-and-error method. Do not use more pressure than necessary
to obtain the desired printout quality.
The print unit is fitted with two adjustable spring packages, which
allow the pressure to be set by turning the knobs:
• Turn the knobs clockwise to increase the pressure.
• Turn the knobs counter-clockwise to decrease the pressure.
At each quarter of a turn, the resistance increases and a clicking
sound can be heard.
Printing Adjustments
Adjustment Knobs