Indicates that a valve in short circuit has
been excluded from the cycle.
The signaling of the code E14 alternates
with the indication of the interested
output is shown as Uxx where xx is the
number of the output.
An output is considered a short circuit if
not responding for 3 following
An activation without error resets the
Switch the device off and back on after
having checked the solenoid valve
Description Of Operation
The installed SW version and the symbol
, meaning that coherence between settings
stored in E2Prom and the set jumpers is being checked, will appear on the display when
the sequencer is powered up. A corresponding error code will appear in case of
discrepancies between settings (see Alarms Table). Only editing functions will be allowed
on the unit. The operator may switch off the unit and configure the jumpers correctly.
Symbol 0_0 will appear on the display if the test is entirely successful.
The following pages will then appear:
OFF if the enabling contact is open (14-15)
-0- if the enabling contact (14-15) is closed and the fan is off
Operative Mode
The device works as a programmable cycle sequencer. The connected outputs will be
activated at the programmable frequencies. The firing and pausing times can be set on the
configuration menu.
Cleaning Function With Fan Off (PCC)
This function allows to carry out one or more cleaning cycles (the number of cycles is
defined by F13) when the fan is off. The on or off state of the fan is determined by the
state of contacts 12-13 (contacts open = fan off). The pulse time of the valves will always
be that defined in F02, while the pause time in this case is defined in F14.
The display alternately shows the number of the valve activated and the word PCC.
Number Of Output Selection
The number of outputs (solenoid valves) on which the sequencer will run the cleaning cycle
can be selected. Cleaning will be carried out in order from the first to the last solenoid
valve. The valves can be adjusted by the F04 function.
A fuse which can be reset in case of need is located near the power terminal board. Use a
delayed fuse 5x20mm.