The Universal Sensor can be configured to transmit to a Tunstall Telecare enabled
solution as the following device types:
Virtual Bed
The Virtual Bed sensor sends an event call if a client
has got in or out of bed (or a chair).
Door Contact
Normally used with the magnetic contact and the
built in Reed Switch; this simulates the event call
when the door is opened and closed.
Enuresis Sensor
When connected to an appropriate Enuresis Sensor
(available separately) if moisture is detected the
Universal Sensor will communicate with the Tunstall
Lifeline or Telecare Overlay System to enable care to
be delivered quickly.
The Universal Sensor will simulate the call from a
personal alarm trigger. This is used to enable third
party devices to send a personal trigger alert to the
Tunstall Lifeline or Telecare Overlay system.
Epilepsy Sensor
When connected to an appropriate Epilepsy Sensor
(available separately) once movement is detected
the Universal Sensor will communicate with the
Tunstall Lifeline or Telecare Overlay System to
enable care to be delivered quickly.
CO Detector
The Universal Sensor can be configured to work with
party CO Detectors meaning when Carbon
Monoxide is detected the Universal Sensor will
communicate with the Tunstall Lifeline or Telecare
Overlay System to enable care to be delivered
Door Guard
Like the Door Contact mode, but an alarm is raised
when the door is opened. A carer can use the built-in
pause monitoring facility to enter and exit the
property without raising an alarm call.
Gas Detector
The Universal Sensor can be configured to work with
party Gas Detectors meaning when Natural Gas is
detected the Universal Sensor will communicate
with the Tunstall Lifeline or Telecare Overlay System
to enable care to be delivered quickly.
Smoke Detector
The Universal Sensor can be configured to work with
party Smoke Detectors meaning when Smoke
with the dwelling is detected the Universal Sensor
will communicate with the Tunstall Lifeline or