Bit 7 -
Not used.
Bit 6 -
RQS/MSS. This bit, as defined by IEEE Std. 488.2, contains
both the Requesting Service message and the Master Status
Summary message. RQS is returned in response to a Serial
Poll and MSS is returned in response to the
STB? command.
Bit 5 -
ESB. The Event Status Bit. This bit is set if any bits set in the
Standard Event Status Register correspond to bits set in the
Standard Event Status Enable Register.
Bit 4 -
MAV. The Message Available Bit. This will be set when the
instrument has a response message formatted and ready to
send to the controller. The bit will be cleared after the Response
Message Terminator has been sent.
Bit 3 -
Not used.
Bit 2 -
Not used.
Bit 1 -
Not used.
Bit 0 -
Not used.
Status Model