Standard Event Status and Standard Event Status Enable Registers
These two registers are implemented as required by the IEEE std. 488.2.
Any bits set in the Standard Event Status Register which correspond to bits set in the Standard
Event Status Enable Register will cause the ESB bit to be set in the Status Byte Register.
The Standard Event Status Register is read and cleared by the
ESR? command. The Standard
Event Status Enable register is set by the
ESE <nrf> command and read by the
Bit 7 -
Power On. Set when power is first applied to the instrument.
Bit 6 -
Not used.
Bit 5 -
Command Error. Set when a syntax type error is detected in a
command from the bus. The parser is reset and parsing
continues at the next byte in the input stream.
Bit 4 -
Execution Error. Set when an error is encountered while
attempting to execute a completely parsed command. The
appropriate error number will be reported in the Execution
Error Register.
Bit 3 -
Not used.
Bit 2 -
Query Error. Set when a query error occurs. The appropriate
error number will be reported in the Query Error Register as
listed below.
1 Interrupted
2 Deadlock
3 Unterminated
Bit 1 -
Not used.
Bit 0 -
Operation Complete. Set in response to the
OPC command.
Status Byte Register and Service Request Enable Register
These two registers are implemented as required by the IEEE std. 488.2.
Any bits set in the Status Byte Register which correspond to bits set in the Service Request
Enable Register will cause the RQS/MSS bit to be set in the Status Byte Register, thus
generating a Service Request on the bus.
The Status Byte Register is read either by the
STB? command, which will return MSS in bit 6, or
by a Serial Poll which will return RQS in bit 6. The Service Request Enable register is set by the
SRE <nrf> command and read by the
SRE? command.