AV30 PRE-INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS | AV30 Pre-Installati on Requirements | v. 3.0
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This layout diagram is only a suggestion to how a facility could lay out. The customer is
responsible for consulting with their local fire marshal in order to ensure code
compliance. TruSteel is not responsible for setting up the customer facility in order to
comply with any local codes.
The AutoVap30 is C1D2 compliant. The ancillary, however, is not and should be placed
outside of the solvent recovery room.
The chiller unit should be placed in a well ventilated area, preferably outside of the
facility in the open air (on a concrete slab or on the roof).
The chiller should be within 50 feet of the AutoVap30 unit in order to be most efficient.
The water heater should be placed outside of the C1D2 room. The electric water heater
does not require ventilation, while the gas heater will require proper ventilation. The
water heater, ideally, should be within 30 feet of the AutoVap30 for full efficiency.
The vacuum pump, AutoVap30 PLC, and heater manifold inline pump should all be
outside of the C1D2 solvent recovery room.