SeaKing & SeaPrince Imaging Sonars
0374-SOM-00001, Issue: 08
© Tritech International Ltd.
Sets a minimum range for the Detects (always in metres).
This is the number of samples taken over the current scan-line.
Select the display range units. Options are Metres, Feet, Fathoms
& Yards.
Figure 5.22.
Applies interpolation between adjacent samples on the Sonar display. Blends out contrast
and ‘blockiness’ on lower ranges and resolutions.
Auxiliary Compass
Figure 5.23.
Sonar heads fitted with an Auxiliary (AUX) port can connect a serial RS232 or RS485
compass. The compass string (such as from a TCM-2 or CDL Gyro) includes Heading, Pitch
and Roll data which is then displayed in the Aux Compass pop-up form. Ensure that the
correct compass is selected in the Installation dialog.
Figure 5.24.
When enabled, this option can be used to place and size an overlay shape or outline onto
the Sonar display canvas.