SafeTcheck OPeRaTOR'S MaNUaL
Operating Instructions
When fitted, the High Current Earth Test Option enables the
user of the
to apply any one of 3 test currents
when testing earth circuits. The option consists of a fully
integrated programmable constant current switch mode power
supply capable of delivering up to 25A into the earth circuit of
an electrical appliance under test.
The selected current will be displayed on the LCD during
testing. This current may be set as a default for all tests or for
the current test only.
To access the menus relating to the High Current Earth Tests
select F2 when the Start Prompt is displayed on the Display.
After pressing F2, scroll down the list of options (using the F1
and F2 keys) until the desired current range is displayed. The
selected current setting may then be set to one
of 2 modes:
1 Press Start for a “temporary setting” test where the
selected test current is set until the
is switched
off. After the power is switched on again the test current
will have reverted to 200mA; or
2 Press F2 for the selected test current to be set as the
default test current for all future Earth Tests.
3 If an earth test is conducted then the selected current will
displayed on the display prior to the test commencing.
Description of test settings
1 Continuity Test (200mA)
This is the default general purpose setting, suitable for all
appliances including Electronic and IT. The earth resistance
threshold is set to 1
2 Routine Test (10A)
Same test as applied to all electrical appliances during the
manufacturing process. For manufacturers, the Routine Test
is mandatory (conducted in accordance with AS/NZS 3100 ).
The earth resistance threshold is set to 1
3 Type Test (25A)
Same test as applied to selected sample electrical
appliances during the manufacturing process. For
manufacturers the Type Test is mandatory (conducted in
accordance with AS/NZS 3100).
The earth resistance threshold, for this test current only, is
set to 0.2
Note 1:
The Type Test (25A) earth resistance threshold
in AS/NZS 3760 is 1.0 Ohm. The Threshold at 25A in the
is 2.0 Ohm. This threshold has been reduced
to ensure a maximum voltage of 12V is not exceeded
during an earth resistance test (See Appendix D of AS/
NZS 3760).
Due to this low resistance threshold, the 25A Type Test
may not be suitable for long extension leads.
Note 2:
with serial nos. 10010, 10216,
10217, 10218, 10219 &10225 only the 200mA continuity
test is conducted when performing a Leakage Current
Test (Run Test) on an appliance. If the appliance under test
also requires a high current earth test then the “Earth test
only” should be used in conjunction with the run test.
Note 3:
with serial nos. starting at
40000, both the 200mA and 10A Earth Tests are available
(no 25A test).
Note 4:
Resistance thresholds may be changed if
required. See Utilities Menu (F2).
high current earth test
(Option – Pro Logger II only)