Firmware Manual • Firmware Version V1.10 | Document Revision V1.00 • 2018-OCT-02
21 / 133
There is no interrupt nesting, i.e. all other interrupts are disabled while an interrupt handling routine is
being executed.
On return from an interrupt handling routine (RETI command), the context of the normal program will
automatically be restored and the execution of the normal program will be continued.
Further Configuration of Interrupts
Some interrupts need further configuration (e.g. the timer interval of a timer interrupt). This can be done
using SGP commands with parameter bank 3 (SGP <type> , 3, <value>). Please refer to the SGP command
) for further information about that.
Using Interrupts in TMCL
To use an interrupt the following things have to be done:
• Define an interrupt handling routine using the VECT command.
• If necessary, configure the interrupt using an SGP <type>, 3, <value> command.
• Enable the interrupt using an EI <interrupt> command.
• Globally enable interrupts using an EI 255 command.
• An interrupt handling routine must always end with a RETI command.
• Do not allow the normal program flow to run into an interrupt handling routine.
The following example shows the use of a timer interrupt:
VECT 0, Timer0Irq
// define the interrupt vector
SGP 0, 3, 1000
// configure the interrupt : set its period to 1000 ms
EI 0
// enable this interrupt
EI 255
// globally switch on interrupt processing
// Main program : toggles output 3, using a WAIT command for the delay
Loop :
SIO 3, 2, 1
WAIT TICKS , 0, 50
SIO 3, 2, 0
WAIT TICKS , 0, 50
JA Loop
// Here is the interrupt handling routine
Timer0Irq :
GIO 0, 2
// check if OUT0 is high
JC NZ , Out0Off
// jump if not
SIO 0, 2, 1
// switch OUT0 high
// end of interrupt
Out0Off :
SIO 0, 2, 0
// switch OUT0 low
// end of interrupt
In the example above, the interrupt numbers are being used directly. To make the program better readable
use the provided include file This file defines symbolic constants for all interrupt numbers
which can be used in all interrupt commands. The beginning of the program above then looks as follows:
# include
Interrupts . inc
VECT TI_TIMER0 , Timer0Irq
SGP TI_TIMER0 , 3, 1000
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