Cleaning the Condenser
Proper Water Treatment!
The use of untreated or improperly treated water in a
CenTraVac could result in scaling, erosion, corrosion,
algae or slime. It is recommended that the services of
a qualified water treatment specialist be engaged to
determine what water treatment, if any, is required.
Trane assumes no responsibility for equipment
failures which result from untreated or improperly
treated water, or saline or brackish water.
Figure 35. Typical Chemical Cleaning Setup
Condenser tube fouling is indicated when the approach
temperature (the difference between the condensing
refrigerant temperature and the leaving condenser water
temperature) is higher than predicted.
If the annual condenser tube inspection indicates that
the tubes are fouled, two cleaning methods, mechanical
and chemical, can be used to rid the tubes of contami-
nants. Use the mechanical cleaning method to remove
sludge and loose material from smooth-bore tubes.
To clean other types of tubes including internally-en-
hanced types, consult a qualified service organization for
1. Follow all instructions in
to remove waterbox covers.
2. Work a round nylon or brass bristled brush (attached
to a rod) in and out of each of the condenser water
tubes to loosen the sludge.
3. Thoroughly flush the condenser water tubes with
clean water.
Scale deposits are best removed by chemical means.
Be sure to consult any qualified chemical house in the
area (one familiar with the local water supply’s chemical
mineral content) for a recommended cleaning solution
suitable for the job. Remember, a standard condenser
water circuit is composed solely of copper, cast iron and
Unit Corrosion Damage!
Proper procedures must be followed when using
corrosive chemicals to clean water side of unit. It is
recommended that the services of a qualified chem-
ical cleaning firm be used. Proper personal protec-
tive equipment as recommended by the chemical
manufacturer should be used. Refer to the chemicals
MSDS sheet for proper safety procedures. Failure to
follow proper procedures could result in corrosion
damage to the unit and tubes.
All of the materials used in the external
circulation system, the quantity of the solu-
tion, the duration of the cleaning period,
and any required safety precautions should
be approved by the company furnishing
the materials or performing the cleaning.
Remember, however, that whenever the
chemical tube cleaning method is used, it
must be followed up with mechanical tube
cleaning, flushing and inspection.
Cleaning the Evaporator
Since the evaporator is typically part of a closed circuit,
it may not accumulate appreciable amounts of scale or
sludge. Normally, cleaning every three years is sufficient.
However, on open evaporator systems, such as air wash-
ers, periodic inspection and cleaning is recommended.
Purge System
Because some sections of the chiller’s refrigeration
system operate at less-than-atmospheric pressure, the
possibility exists that air and moisture may leak into the
system. If allowed to
accumulate, these noncondensables become trapped
in the condenser; this increases condensing pressure
and compressor power requirements, and reduces the
chiller’s efficiency and cooling capacity.
The Trane EarthWise Purge is the only purge system
available for the CenTraVac chiller. The purge is designed
to remove noncondensable gases and water from the
refrigeration system. EarthWise Purge unit operation,
maintenance and trouble shooting is covered by a sepa-
rate operation and maintenance manual, which may be
obtained from the nearest Trane office.
Leak Checking Based on Purge Pump Out
A formula has been developed which allows the annu-
al refrigerant leakage rate to be calculated based on
the daily purge pump out time and the unit refrigerant
charge. This formula is as follows:
% annual leakage rate = [(X min/day)*(0.0001 lb R-123/
min)/(Y lb)]*100
RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT