Surface Temperatures!
MAY EXCEED 150°F. Use caution while working on
certain areas of the unit, failure to do so could result
in death or serious injury.
To ensure proper lubrication and prevent refrigerant
from condensing in the oil tank, a 750-watt heater is in
a well in the oil tank. The heater is used to warm the oil
while the unit is off. With the default settings for R-123,
the oil heater is de-energized when the unit starts. With
the default settings for R-514A, Running Oil Temperature
Control is enabled, and the Running Oil Temperature Set-
point is factory-programmed at 100°F(37.8°C). With either
refrigerant, the heater energizes as needed to maintain
140°F to 145°F(60.0°C to 62.8°C) when the chiller is not
With R-123 and mineral oil, when the chiller is operating,
the temperature of the oil tank is typically 100°F to 160°F
(37.8°C to 71.1°C). With R-514A, solid state oil heater con-
trol is installed and enabled.
The oil return lines from the thrust and journal bearings,
transport oil and some seal leakage refrigerant. The oil
return lines are routed into a manifold and separator
under the motor. Gas flow exits the top of the manifold
and is vented to the evaporator. Oil exits the bottom of
the manifold and returns to the tank. Separation of the
seal leakage gas in the separator keeps this gas out of
the tank.
A dual eductor system is used to reclaim oil from the
suction cover and the evaporator, and deposit it back
into the oil tank. These eductors use high pressure con-
denser gas to draw the oil from the suction cover and
evaporator to the eductors and then discharged into the
oil tank. The evaporator eductor line has a shut off valve
mounted by the evaporator and ships closed. During the
commissioning process, it is necessary for the designat-
ed technicians to open and adjust this valve according to
the operating conditions.
Liquid refrigerant is used to cool the oil supply to both
the thrust bearing and journal bearings. On refrigerant
pump units the oil cooler is located inside the economiz-
er and uses refrigerant passing from the condenser to
evaporator to cool the oil. Oil leaves the oil cooler and
flows to both the thrust and journal bearings.
Motor Cooling System
Compressor motors are cooled with liquid refrigerant
). The refrigerant pump is located
on the front of the oil tank (motor inside the oil tank).
The refrigerant pump inlet is connected to the well at the
bottom of the condenser. The connection is on the side
where a weir assures a preferential supply of liquid. Re-
frigerant is delivered to the motor via the pump. Motor
refrigerant drain lines are routed to the condenser.
Tracer AdaptiView Display
Information is tailored to operators, service technicians
and owners.
When operating a chiller, there is specific information
you need on a day-to-day basis—setpoints, limits, diag-
nostic information, and reports.
Day-to-day operational information is presented at the
display. Logically organized groups of information—
chiller modes of operation, active diagnostics, settings
and reports put information conveniently at your fin-
gertips. See CTV-SVU01C-EN, Tracer AdaptiView™ Dis-
play for Water- Cooled CenTraVac™ Chillers Operations
Guide, for more details.
Tracer TU Chiller Service Tool
When servicing a chiller, you need different informa-
tion—historic and active diagnostics, configuration set-
tings, and custom control algorithms, as well as opera-
tion settings.
For the service technician or advanced operator: all
chiller status, machine configuration settings, custom
limits, and up to 60 active or historic diagnostics are
displayed through the service tool interface. A technician
can interact with an individual device or a group of de-
vices for advanced troubleshooting. For more informa-
tion on Tracer TU, visit your local Trane Service company,
or Trane‘s website at www.trane.com.
Every Trane Centrifugal chiller is designed for cus-
tomer’s condition to get best efficiency and perfor-
mance, so please avoid to run chiller at conditions
when chilled water set point is far from TOPSS
selected condition, otherwise this may cause reli-
ability risk or trip issue. For more information, please
contact local Trane office.
RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT