Replacing the measuring system
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10 Replacing the measuring system
Masters and devices according to IO-Link
– Specification V1.1 provide a backup function for backing
up device parameters in the master.
Especially for device replacements, some IO-Link masters have integrated also an assistant.
The following data saving possibilities of the master ports are available:
No backup of the device parameters is performed in the master.
After every change of the device parameters, a backup of these data is performed automatically in the
With this setting in case of recovery (Restore) the new device takes up the same behavior as the
replaced device.
No automatic backup of the device parameters is performed in the master.
With this setting in case of recovery (Restore) the new device takes up the behavior according to the
parameters saved in the master at the time of the last backup. Because possible parameter changes
were not saved in the master, a different behavior from the behavior before the replacement can be
Here, the user must check whether this data saving is suitable for the replacement.
The new measuring system should have the same article number as the measuring
system being replaced; any deviations should be clarified with TR-Electronic.
Depending on the application, the output position value must possibly be adjusted to
the reference position of the machine. The position value must be adjusted as
specified in chapter 8.1 on page 78.
Before the replaced measuring system is recommissioned, its proper functioning
should be verified in a protected test run.