Configuration / Parameter setting via the Interbus-S master
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6.2.4 Preset preselection
Determination of the position value on which the laser is adjusted when the preset
function or the preset-input is activated
(see " Control Word, relative word address "0" ", page 22 /
"Set zero shift", page 23 and "Function external input", page 32).
B12 B9
Parameter value in
D0 - D24
Value range
0 1 0 0 Freely
measuring initial
value to measuring
length in steps
6.2.5 Switch off laser diode automatic if Interbus-S is inactive
If the parameter is active, in case of an inactive Interbus-S the laser diode is switched
off automatically after approx. 15 min.. If the Interbus-S will be active again, the laser
diode is switched on again immediately.
If in parameter-no. 1100 "Function external input", page 32 the parameter value "2" =
"Switch off laser diode" was programmed, this parameter is ineffective.
B12 B9
Parameter value in
D0 - D24
Value range
0 1 0 1
0 = disabled
1 = active
0 - 1
6.2.6 Counting direction
Determination of the measuring system counting direction.
B12 B9
Parameter value in
D0 - D24
Value range
1 0 0 0
0 =
with increasing distance to
the laser, values increasing
1 =
with increasing distance to
the laser, values decreasing
0 - 1
6.2.7 Speed limit value
Optional input of the limit value in 0.1 m/s for the speed-monitoring. At active speed
monitoring with exceeding of the adjusted speed level the corresponding warning bit
in the malfunction code is set, see page 27. This function can be used only, if the
hardware function "Adjusting of the speed monitoring (optional)", page 20 is switched
off. This is the case, if the DIP-switch is not equipped, or no valid switch identification
(DIP 5/7 = ON) is adjusted.
B12 B9
Parameter value in
D0 - D24
Value range
1 0 0 1
0 = no check
1 – 200 = 0,1 – 20 m/s
0 – 200