Preliminary User's Manual l TQMa65xx UM 0001 l © 2021, TQ-Systems GmbH
Page 19
The TQMa65xx provides a discrete RTC PCF85063A. The accuracy of the RTC is essentially determined by the characteristics of the
quartz used. The RTC on the TQMa65xx is clocked by a 32.768 kHz crystal with a tolerance of ±20 ppm (+25 °C). This equals to a
deviation of 1.7 s/day or ±30 ppm (+85 °C) = 2.6 s/day. The RTC is connected to the WKUP_I2C bus.
Interrupt Signal RTC_INT# is connected to the TQMa65xx Board Controller.
The RTC can be supplied at pin V_BAT (X1-B19). V_BAT has to be between 0.9 V and 3.6 V.
Figure 7:
Block diagram RTC
The RTC has I
C address
Secure Element
An optional Secure Element type SE050 can be assembled on the TQMa65xx.
Figure 8:
Block diagram Secure Element
The Secure Element has I
C address