10. Make an L-bend at the mark, trim off the excess pushrod
and attach the pushrod to the rudder servo with a Faslink.
11. Thread the last nylon clevis, 20 turns onto the second
24" [610mm] metal pushrods. Slide a clevis retainer onto
the clevis.
12. Insert the pushrod into the elevator pushrod tube.
Attach a nylon control horn to the clevis as shown.
13. Position the control horn on the elevator so that the
holes in the control horn are aligned with the elevator hinge
line. Also make sure the control horn is positioned over the
elevator joiner wire inside the elevator. Mark the two control
horn mounting holes.
14. Drill 3/32" [2.5mm] holes through the elevator at
the marks.
15. Attach the control horn to the elevator with two 2x12mm
machine screws and a nylon control horn back plate.
16. With the transmitter and receiver switched on, position
the elevator servo arm so that it is 90 degrees to the elevator
pushrod and mark the pushrod where it crosses the servo arm.