/ EN_ST-63_02 / 25. 03. 2020
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With the use of the 2-channel-receiver the first chan
nel takes over the function of the impulse button
outside and the second the function of the impulse
button inside.
• For programming of receiver please
see manual for
radio receiver.
STA 11
STA 11
5.4 Radio receiver
Traffic light control unit STA 11
When using a radio receiver in traffic light mode, the receiver is not to plugged into the slot of the ST 63, but
into the slot of the traffic light control STA 11 !
• Disconnect the power supply.
• Open traffic light control housing
• Plug-in the receiver printed circuit board
(E) RS433/868-
STN1 (1 channel) or RS433/868-STN2 (2 channels)
into the corresponding slot
as shown in the picture.
• For range extension an external antenna FK433 or FK868
can be connected.