Wirling Test
After you finished all the connections between X-Pilot
and your boat, please use the
[Wiring Test]
to test the
motor (or rudder) to sure the sytem could control the
boat properly.
Boat Type
TF740 autopilot function can work with most kinds of bait boats( with 2 engines or
1engine & rudder) . So, before you start the operation, please select the corresponding
boat type.
before making the test, please check
[Boat type]
and choose the relative boat option
according to the type of your boat.
Go Forward:
test if the boat can go forward correctly
Turn Left:
test if the boat can turn left correctly.
Turn Right:
test if the boat can turn right correctly
stop the boat running
if you find the motor (or rudder) does not run at the correct way,
please enter
specially for Toslon X-Boat.
1 Engine:
for the boat designed with 1 engine (and rudder).
2 Engine:
for the boat designed with 2 engines.