FAQ (frequently asked question)
1) Please power on the SonarBox-740w first, then
power on the display. If you turn on the unit in
wrong sequence, please restart the display again.
2) Please make sure the radio environment is in
good condition. Too close to the WIFI, BLUETOOTH
device, or noisy R/C controller may result in a very
short RC communiction distance.
1) Please be sure the antennas are connected
properly. And the connector pin of the antenna is in
good condition.
2) Please keep the antenna on the boat at least
15cm high above the water, and the antenna on the
display 1.5meters above the ground.
3) Please make sure the radio environment is in
good condition. Too close to the WIFI, BLUETOOTH
device, or noisy R/C controller may result in a very
short RC communiction distance.
1) The position accuracy of GPS depends on the
satellites signal. If the weather is cloudy or raining,
the satellites signal may become poor.
2) If your boat (with GPS receiver mounted) is
stationary, the position coordinate may be drifting.
Then the error of GPS accuracy may reach 15 meters
or even more.
However, if your boat is moving with speed 0.5m/s
or more faster, the position accuracy will become
good enough.
3) Please be sure the mounted antenna of GPS
receiver is at least 30cm far from any other antenna,
such as antennas for boat or fishfinder.
The unit shows the essage:
Radio module....Fail
Sonar module......Fail
GPS module......Fail
Compass module......OK
Autopilot module...Fail
corrective action
The unit lost RF signal in 20
The accuracy of GPS position
is not good