Default IP Address
The RemotEye II is initially configured with a default Internet Protocol (IP) address.
By default, the 4 bytes composing the default IP address are derived from the MAC
address in the following way:
172.18.xxx.yyy where xxx is the decimal value of the MM MAC address byte and
yyy is the decimal value of the NN MAC address byte.
Example: A RemotEye II MAC address of 00 E0 D8 0C 01 3F would have a default
IP address of
This places RemotEye II on a IP network.
Default Network Mask
The RemotEye II is initially configured with a default Network Mask. This default
value is always: This places RemotEye II on a Class B network.
Default Gateway
The RemotEye II is initially configured with a Gateway address of This value
indicates RemotEye II will not attempt to use a gateway when transmitting.