Installing the License System
Software Activation is a client registration component part of License System which is
now bundled in e-BRIDGE Re-Rite installers.
If you are installing this Licensing System on a Windows Server 2003/Server 2008/XP,
Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 installation is required as a prerequisite. This setup is available
from the ISSetupPrerequisites folder on your e-BRIDGE Re-Rite installation CD.
1. Insert the e-BRIDGE Re-Rite CD into your CD ROM drive.
2. Double-click the
file in your CD ROM drive through Windows Explorer.
The e-BRIDGE Re-Rite Splash screen will automatically be displayed.
3. Click
to install License System on your computer.
4. Enter your
Company Name
Company Name field is mandatory to continue the License System installation.
5. Click
6. Click
to begin the installation.
Wait until the InstallShield Wizard installs License System.
7. Click
to exit the Wizard.
After the installation of the e-BRIDGE License System v1.0, the installer will automatically
prompt the user to continue with installation of e-BRIDGE Re-Rite Software.