H7 ASD Operation Manual
PG Speed Reference Setpoint #1 (frequency)
Frequency Setting Parameters
Speed Reference
This parameter is used to set the direction, gain, and bias of the PG input
terminal when it is used as the Speed/Direction-Control input.
for further information on this setting.
This parameter sets PG Speed Reference Setpoint #1 (frequency) and is the
frequency that is associated with the setting of
Direct Access Number — F235
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -80.0
Maximum — +80.0
Units — Hz
PG Speed Reference Setpoint #2 (%)
Frequency Setting Parameters
Speed Reference
This parameter is used to set the direction, gain, and bias of the PG input
terminal when it is used as the Speed/Direction-Control input.
for further information on this setting.
This parameter sets the PG input pulse count that represents Reference
Setpoint #1 (direction/speed). The range of values for this parameter is -100 to
+100% of the PG input pulse count range.
Direct Access Number — F236
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — +100.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -100.0
Maximum — +100.0
Units — %
PG Speed Reference Setpoint #2 (frequency)
Frequency Setting Parameters
Speed Reference
This parameter is used to set the direction, gain, and bias of the PG input
terminal when it is used as the Speed/Direction-Control input.
for further information on this setting.
This parameter sets PG Speed Reference Setpoint #2 (frequency) and is the
frequency that is associated with the setting of
Direct Access Number — F237
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — +80.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -80.0
Maximum — +80.0
Units — Hz
Startup Frequency
Special Control Parameters
Frequency Control
The output of the drive will remain at 0.0 Hz until the programmed speed value
exceeds this setting during startup. Once exceeded during startup, the output
frequency of the drive will accelerate to the programmed setting.
Output frequencies below the Startup Frequency will not be output from the
drive during startup. However, once reaching the Startup Frequency, speed
values below the Startup Frequency may be output from the drive.
Direct Access Number — F240
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.10
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 10.0
Units — Hz
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