multiSwitch – user manual
© TOPEX 2008 40
VoIP DTMF tones are activated through the line below:
voip_dtmf 0/1
The configuration file supports changing the telnet port for the communication with the
telnet 23
Also you can activate or not the remote telnet access. Value “0” rejects remote telnet access
and value “1” accepts telnet remote access.
remote_telnet 0/1
The line:
name topex
suggests the gateway name. If it is set this name precede the name of cdr, log and alr files from the
” directory.
The line
sip_trying_timeout 1000
indicates the timeout for waiting a provisional answer from destination. The time is measured in msec
and the default value is 1000 msec – 1 second.
The “
” parameter will play the content of the
” file in case that the call is rejected from “accessin”
play_accessin 0/1
This parameters allows playing a voice message like: “
Sorry you don’t have the right to
access this address
” for the users who are not in the Access In list.
Also the exec.cfg file allows to define several (by default 10) emergency numbers like 112
or 911 which will be reserved for these special destinations.
emergency_dnis 112,911,961
To set the dimension of the “log” file is used the command below. The default value is 1GB
(1000000 KB). After the log exceeds this value, in the data base will not be written anything. You need
to delete or move the file in order to allow another log file creation.
db_card 1
Loading configuration from database. Reads cards
configuration from database. By default the value is “0”.
db_route 1
Read routes configuration from database. By default the value
is “0”.
db_type 2
Must be always “2”
maxsysincallrate 10000
Maximum simultaneous incoming calls supported by the
system. By default is 10000
maxsysoutcallrate 10000
Maximum simultaneous outgoing calls supported by the
system. By default is 10000
consysincallrate 10000
Default is “10000”
consysoutcallrate 10000
Default is “10000”
set_asci_sip 1
ASCII protocol, now default it is enabled. Enable ASCII
protocol on SIP interface
set_asci_h323 1
Enable ASCII protocol on H.323 interface
billing_fields_number 255
Specifies the number of fields written in billing. The default
value is 43. In this case you will have 43 fields written in billing.
The value 255 writes all the fields available. You can see the
range of configurable fields on telnet with command "
fields number