multiSwitch – user manual
© TOPEX 2008 48
start” just only with “accounting stop”
radius_auth cli
Establishes the information sent in the
“access_request” packet in the username
field for authentication on input calls on
The possible values are:
cli = caller id, ANI
IP = source IP of the call
class_name = the source class
(direction) of the call
radius_sip_user_auth ip
Establishes the information sent in the
“access_request” packet in the “username”
field for authentication initiated by SIP users.
The possible values are:
cli = caller id, ANI
IP = source IP of the call
After the “exec.cfg” file is configured, completing the lines presented above, you must
configure the “
” file. The lines included in the radius_billing.cfg
configuration file which must be modified are detailed in the table below:
Parameter name
debug 2
0= no debug, 1=minimum debug, 2=full
Radius server IP address
dictionary 0
Must be the same dictionary as exec.cfg
auth_port 1812
UDP port for authentication of radius packets
acct_port 1813
UDP port for accounting radius packets
secret 99topexSECRETqutex11
Shared secret between NAS and RADIUS
server. In radius server the same value of
secret must be configured for this client
timeout 4
Value in seconds for waiting response from
RADIUS server
retries 3
The maximum number of repeated requests
before to give up
The network interface IP address used for
sending radius packet