TH2683A Operation Manual
The :CZERo ON command is used to execute open clear zero of the instrument, “?” can query the
current zero clearing passes or fails. If this zero clearing passes, the zero base used in this
measurement is obtained from this open zero clearing; if this zero clearing fails, the zero base
used in this measurement is factory default.
The :CZERo OFF command is used to cancel the influence of the zero base toward measurement
results when users execute zero ckearing successfully. At this time, the zero base used in the
measurenment is the factory default.
Command syntax:
FUNCtion: CZERo ON(1)
Character 1 (integer:49) means ON.
Character 0 (integer: 48) means OFF.
For example: WrtCmd(“:FUNC:CZER:ON”); Execute open zero clearing of the instrument.
Query syntax: FUNCtion:CZERo?
Return Format:
The FUNCtion:CZERo? query returns to the zero clearing result (success or failed).
The : OVOLtage command sets the output voltage of the instrument.
The :FUNCtion: OVOLtage? query returns to the current output voltage of the instrument.
Command Syntax: :FUNCtion: OVOLtage <value>
Where, <value> is any real value among the output voltage range (1
1000V) of the instrument.
For example: WrtCmd(“FUNCtion:OVOL 12.50”); set the output voltage of the instrument as
Query syntax: FUNCtion: OVOLtage ?
Return Format: <value><NL^END>
The :FUNCtion: OVOLtage? query returns to the current output voltage of the instrument.
The : MMODe command sets the measurement mode of the instrument.
The :FUNCtion:MMODe? query returns to the measurement mode of the instrument.
Command Syntax:FUNCtion: MMODe
Where, SINGle and CONTinuous are respectively indicate single and continuous measurement.
For example: WrtCmd(“FUNCtion:MMOD SINGle”); set the measurement mode of the
instrument as SINGle.