2700-4001_22 IMA Manual
Last Revision: 12/14/2021
The halls are configured such that the falling edge of the
U channel coincides with the index pulse location. The
graph at right shows the relationship of the halls to the
phase to phase back emf. The halls have an offset of 30
electrical degrees.
Figure 5.8: Hall Alignment
Resolver Feedback
The Tolomatic IMA Actuator family is also offered with resolver feedback. A resolver must be excited with a
sinusoidal Input and outputs two signals, commonly referred to as cos and sin. These signal’s magnitude and the
phase angle relative to the excitation voltage are used by the drive to determine the absolute position (single
rotational) of the motor’s armature.
These actuators are aligned with a current vector from phase V (+) to phase W (-). At this location, the resolver
body is rotated until the cos signal is null, and the sin signal is in phase with the excitation frequency.
Figure 5.9: Motor rotational position at 0
Direction can be confirmed by rotating the shaft clockwise as viewed from the back, where, after 90 degrees of
rotation the cos will now be in phase with the excitation frequency and the sin signal will be null.