2100 Piezoelectric Isolation System - Installation & Operation Manual
P/N 96-28765-01
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marginally suitable installations. The result is a truly ‘plug-and-play’ system. The digital controller also
allows for monitoring the system over a standard RS-232 interface.
2 General Information
2100 typically consists of three, four, six or eight floor-mounted Isolators systems. The isolators
are made primarily of aluminum, weighing approximately 34 kg (75 lbs.) each. Each Isolator contains
electronics, vibration detection and correction devices, along with a passive isolator and an adjustable
wedgemount for load distribution. A digital Controller calculates vibration compensation signals for each
individual axis in each Isolator and provides communications and diagnostics.
Product Selection
TMC can provide on-site surveys to determine the suitability of STACIS
for a particular installation. The
survey includes:
Vibration measurements to determine if the proposed site’s floor noise is within the dynamic
capability of STACIS
Evaluation of the potential benefits derived from the installation of a STACIS
The suitability of the floor for installation of STACIS
(see following sections for details).
The proper selection of the number and capacity of STACIS
Whether the subject payload can be mounted directly on STACIS
Isolators or if ‘risers’, bridge
plates, or other fixtures will be required.
The selection of the appropriate STACIS
System is based largely on the load that each Isolator will be
required to support. When calculating this load, all supported weight (tool plus platform, etc.) must be
2100 isolators are available in three load ranges, designated by a “dash number” after the
primary part number (-01, -02, or –03). The (-01) load range is 400-1100 lbs., the (-02) is 900-2100 lbs.,
and the (-03) is 1900-4500 lbs. The table below provides a quick reference to total payload weights using
multiple isolators:
Table 1: STACIS
Standard Configurations
Load Range per Isolator (operating)
Min./Max Total Load (operating)
3x Isolator -01
400-1100 lbs. (182-500 kg)
1200-3300 lbs. (546-1500 kg)
3x Isolator -02
900-2100 lbs. (410-955 kg)
2700-6300 lbs. (1230-2865 kg)
3x Isolator -03
1900-4500 lbs. (864-2045 kg)
5700-13500 lbs. (2592-6135 kg)
4x Isolator -01
400-1100 lbs. (182-500 kg)
1600-4400 lbs. (728-2000 kg)
4x Isolator -02
900-2100 lbs. (410-955 kg)
3600-8400 lbs. (1640-3820 kg)
4x Isolator -03
1900-4500 lbs. (864-2045 kg)
7600-18000 lbs. (3456-8180 kg)
6x Isolator -03
1900-4500 lbs. (864-2045 kg)
11400-27000 lbs. (5184-12270 kg)
8x Isolator -03
1900-4500 lbs. (864-2045 kg)
15200-36000 lbs. (6912-16360 kg.)
Care must be used in selecting the system so that the maximum and minimum load for
each isolator is not exceeded. STACIS
2100 Systems with mixed isolator capacities are
also available. Contact your sales engineer or TMC for further information.