Please read carefully and understand the contents of this manual.
Failure to read the manual may result in serious injury or even death, or serious damage to
Make sure this manual is always accessible for all users and ensure you have read and
understood the contents.
TKH Airport Solutions 2022
All rights reserved for TKH Airport Solutions. No part of this publication may be reproduced, modified, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted, by any means or in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner.
The content of this document is property of TKH Airport Solutions. Proprietary rights of TKH Airport Solutions B.V. or USE System
Engineering Holding B.V. or their affiliated companies include the following: The specified (product) information herein and all related
data and information are proprietary and confidential to TKH Airport Solutions B.V. or USE System Engineering Holding B.V. and are
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data and information are provided in confidence, and all use, disclosure, copying, transfer and storage, except as authorized in the
written License Agreement from TKH Airport Solutions B.V. or USE System Engineering Holding B.V. to the user, is strictly prohibited.
The English version of this document is the original version; this language version is verified by the manufacturer. All other language
versions are translations of the original English language version.