Quality of service
Bandwidth settings can be cancelled with one of the following commands:
set qos-ext class <name> no-bandwidth
set qos-ext class <name> no-bandwidth burst
set qos-ext class <name> no-bandwidth burst-max
It is possible to specify a value of “quantum”, (i.e. how much bandwidth in number di bytes), that a
class can borrow before that the QoS gives control to another class:
set qos-ext policy <name> r2q <value>
A traffic policy can be cancelled with the command:
set qos-ext no-policy <name>
In addition to the available bandwidth, it is possible to associate a PRIO type queue-discipline with
the Policy, in order that the associated packets are considered priority packets:
set qos-ext policy <name> qdisc prio
In order to create a class the command is:
set qos-ext class <name>
It is necessary that the class is associated with a policy:
set qos-ext class <name> policy <name>
It is necessary to specify the guaranteed bandwidth for the class. It is possible to indicate an
absolute value in Kbits:
set qos-ext class <name> bandwidth <value>
or a percentage of the total available bandwidth:
set qos-ext class <name> bandwidth percent <value>
It is possible to specify a maximum bandwidth that the class cannot exceed. If this value is not
specified, all the excess bandwidth or a part of it can be assigned, compatibly with the requests of
bandwidth from other configured classes:
set qos-ext class <name> bandwidth max <value>
It is possible to specify the
, i.e. the maximum number of Kbit that the class can transmit,
when it is authorized to transmit:
set qos-ext class <name> bandwidth burst <value>
It is also possible to specify the value of
when the class has exceeded the guaranteed
bandwidth and borrows the still available bandwidth:
set qos-ext class <name> bandwidth burst-max <value>
It is possible to specify that the class is prioritized with a quantity of guaranteed bandwidth and
that the specified value also represents the maximum bandwidth allowed. The value can be
expressed as absolute value or as percentage of the available bandwidth. This configuration can be
generally used for real-time classes:
set qos-ext class <name> priority <value>