HA0373T Rev Ck May 2017
Chapter 2
Consider the Control supplied for a KPA101 position aligner (one panel is displayed
for each controller).
This Control provides a complete user graphical instrument panel to allow the unit to
be manually operated, as well as a complete set of software functions (often called
methods) to allow all parameters to be set and control operations to be automated by
a client application. The instrument panel reflects the current ope rating state of the
position aligner unit to which it is associated (e.g. such as be am position and SUM
value). Updates to the panel take place automatically when a user (client) application
is making software calls into the same Control. For exampl e, if a client application
instructs the associated Quad Detector Control to centralize the laser beam within the
quad detector photodiode array, progress is monitored automatically by changing
position on the spot display, without the need for further programming intervention.
The Kinesis software provides a rich set of graphical user panels and programmable
interfaces allowing users and client application developers to interact seamlessly with