October 25
Music Thing Modular
Spring Reverb Module
Eurorack DIY Kit
Version 0.9
Take the protective pink ESD bag
with yellow sticker out of the main
bag and find the 2N3904 transistor.
The middle lead needs to be bent
slightly towards the semi-circular face
of the transistor body, the component
should sit in a ‘tripod’ configuration
on the three leads.
NOTE! Do not solder the 78L05
voltage regulator into this position!
Apart from the text marking it looks
NOTE! Do not heat this part
excessively or you will damage it,
you should be aiming to solder
quickly and neatly.
Next take the Vactrol from the Main
Bag and solder into place as shown.
The orientation of the 4 pins is vital.
The Vactrol should be completely flat
to the top surface of the PCB and sit
within the boundary of the PCB.
NOTE! Do not heat this part
excessively or you will damage it, you
should be aiming to solder quickly
and neatly.
If you use organic solder that can be
washed with water then now is the
perfect time to do that. Make sure
you leave your PCB to dry in a warm
place for at least 30 minutes before
progressing further.