Thomson Electrak
MD Actuator - Installation Manual - 2020-02
Troubleshooting list
Actuator does not move,
makes no sound.
Actuator is not receiving
proper input voltage.
Ensure the actuator is being supplied with proper rated
input voltage.
Actuator makes buzzing
sound, does not move.
Actuator does not have
enough power and is stalled.
Ensure your power supply can provide enough current to
move the rated load.
Actuator moves slower/faster
than expected.
Actuator is receiving too low/
too high input voltage.
Ensure that actuator is provided with proper nominal input
voltage amount (i.e. 12 Vdc for a 12 Vdc rated actuator).
The actuator, when powered,
is causing my fuse to blow.
Fuse is not rated for current
draw of the actautor.
Make sure that the fuse is rated for the in-rush current of
the actuator, which is typically 1.5 times the rated current
draw of the actuator at full load. Slow-blow fuses are also
The actuator is not stopping at
the right place.
Actuator is coasting due to
helping load/lack of dynamic
Consider shorting the motor leads together when stopping
the actuator to dynamically brake the motor, especially in
circumstances where the load applied would "help" move
the extension tube.
Actuator is sending a "fatal
error" message.
The actuator has encountered
an uncommanded change in
the stroke feedback device
The user can reset the actuator first to try and clear the
error, but if that does not work, then the actautor will need
to be analyzed as an RMA (Return Material Authorization)
at the manufacturing facility.
My actuator is not responding
to any of the messages I send.
The actuator may have fallen
The sleep functionality of Electrak MD will engage after 5
seconds of bus inactivity. Send messages to the actuator
every 100 ms - 2 s to avoid this from happening. If it has
already happened, a "safe state" message will first have
to be sent to "wake up" the actuator before it can interpret
any other messages.
I am getting an erroneous
Overload Flag with no load
or current draw on my CNO
actuator. How do I fix this?
The actuator control message
PGN was set up incorrectly.
"The proper command message should be 18EF2700,
where 0x27 is the address of the actuator (default). Keep
in mind that if the customer changes the address of the
actuator with the physical addressing leads, then the
command message will change as well. The address of the
CAN controller should be set as something different than
the actuator to prevent errors.
If an ELS error (C2 on the feedback message) is
encountered and the PGN is addressed correctly, simply
reset the bus by sending a command message with the
enable bit off, then another with it on.".
6. Troubleshooting
6.1 Troubleshooting