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6 Recommendation Side Selection / Standard Installation
In general, wind measuring instruments are supposed to record wind conditions over a large
area. According to international regulations, the surface wind should be measured at a height
of 10m above even open terrain, in order to achieve comparable values. An open terrain is
defined as terrain where the distance between the wind-measuring instrument and the next
obstacle is at least ten times the height of this obstacle (acc. to VDI 3786 sheet 2 as well as
Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation, Sixth Edition, WMO-No.
8). If this regulation cannot be fulfilled, the measuring instrument should be installed at a
height at where the measurement values are not influenced by any local obstacles. In any
case, the measuring instruments should be installed at a height of 6 … 10m above the mean
height of the buildings or trees in the vicinity. If it is necessary to install the instrument on a
roof, it should be installed in the center of the roof in order to avoid any preferential
7 Installation
Storing, mounting, and operation under weather conditions is
permissible only in vertical position, as otherwise water can get
into the instrument.
When using fastening adapters (angle, traverses, etc.) please take a possi-
ble effect to the measuring values by shading into consideration.
The device may only be supplied with a power supply of
the "Class 2, limited power”.