Section 1: Genesis Introduction and
The following serves as a general guide and overview on
the installation, startup, operation, and maintenance of a
TraceNet Genesis heat tracing control panel. This guide is
to be sent in conjunction with the project specific panel
drawings and any other installation instructions/guides
and standards provided. In the unlikely event that a conflict
or uncertainty arises, contact the Thermon engineering
support personnel assigned to this project to clarify.
NOTE: All personnel should be properly trained and
qualified to safely install, service, operate, and program
this TraceNet heat tracing control panel as well as to install,
operate, and maintain all associated heat tracing.
Section 2: Panel Inspection, Field
Connections and Internal Wiring
A typical Genesis Panel may include electrical distribution
(optional main breaker with branch breakers for each
electrical heating circuit, either within the Genesis panel
or in an adjacent electrical distribution enclosure. (Refer to
the project specific drawings for each panel.)
Wide varieties of TraceNet Genesis panel configurations
are possible and can be located in site locations having
electrically classified areas and/or ordinary locations. The
actual panel markings provided with the panel will detail
the approvals for the specific location of the panel.
2.1: Recommended Visual Inspection Procedures
Inspect door and/or solid state heat sink gaskets for
water intrusion as indicated by mineral deposits and
rust. Where feasible replace any gaskets which appear
to be faulty.
Survey panel exterior and interior for dust, lint, moisture,
or foreign residue. Remove any such residue with a lint
free cloth material. Heavy residues may be addressed
with wood scrapers and a cleaning agent. Do not soak
parts with cleaning agent but only use dampened cloths
in removing heavy residues. Excessive application of
cleaning agents can damage components.
Check for panel corrosion and scratches. Remove
corrosion and prepare any damaged areas with
sandpaper. Repaint with the approved primer and
touch up paint.
Check door hinges, latches, and other moving parts
for proper operation. Use machine oil to lubricate the
moving parts and restore proper operation where
Check for mechanical damage to any windows as well
as check the window seals. Repair or replace damaged
materials. In all cases where equipment damage is
observed, a root cause analysis should be initiated
to determine any future corrective action needed to
prevent a recurrence.
2.2: Wiring and Connections Survey
The wiring and connections survey recommended is as
If the servicing of removable electrical connectors is
to be conducted, then make certain the area is free of
explosive atmospheres.
If equipment is available, an infrared scan of the interior
of the panel cabinet and associated wiring (during
operation) is recommended.
Any unusually high temperatures at connections
are usually evidence of poor connections. Tighten
connections, repair with new terminations, and/or
replace any components which have been exposed to
long term overheating. All terminal block connections
should be tightened using a torque indicating screw
driver to the levels indicated in Table 1 and project
installation drawings.
Check for corrosion at electrical connections and
terminations. Where corrosion of electrical terminals
is observed, this may be additional evidence of loose
connections and excessive heat. A part replacement
may be necessary.
Inspect wiring for abrasion wear, mechanical damage,
and thermal overexposure. Repair or replace any
damaged or defective wiring. In all cases where
equipment damage is observed, a root cause analysis
should be initiated to determine any future corrective
action needed to prevent a recurrence.
2.3: Control System Operation Check
The Genesis controller screen is an ideal resource in
facilitating operation checks of the control system. To begin
this program, energize the panel and the appropriate heat
trace circuits for a minimum of 24 hours or until all circuits
are cycling within their appropriate control band. A typical
list of operational maintenance checks are available for a
successful installation of a TraceNet Genesis heat tracing
control and monitoring panel, a number of equally critical
parts of the system must be installed properly. Areas
requiring close attention are:
The heat trace and insulation
The RTD temperature sensor installation
The distribution of the field RTD and power wiring
The installation and routing of wiring inside the TraceNet
The heat tracing system installation shall be in
accordance with the electrical area classification requirements
as well as shall conform to the latest requirements as detailed
in applicable heat tracing standards, the local Electrical Code
and plant standard practices. Where conflicts arise, contact the
project engineer for resolution.