System Description
Sample Introduction System
iCAP Q Operating Manual (P/N 1288090, Revision B)
Thermo Fisher Scientific
For the iCAP Q instrument, the spray chamber is cooled using a Peltier
cooled chiller to improve instrument performance.
The injector is available with various internal diameters (ID) and in
various material for different types of analysis. Injectors with smaller
inner diameters are, for example, employed with organic-based
solutions, see
. Due to the semi-demountable design of the
torch, the injectors can easily be replaced, see
The torch consists of two concentric quartz tubes, each with variable
flow rates. The gas stream through the outer tube of the torch shapes the
plasma and shields the torch body against the high temperatures of the
plasma (cool gas). The auxiliary gas flows through the inner tube.
Figure 3-6.
Torch and injector