Getting Ready
Thermo Fisher Scientific
iCAP Q Operating Manual (P/N 1288090, Revision B)
Getting Ready
Thermo Fisher Scientific provides a tool to easily start up the iCAP Q
mass spectrometer. An automatic sequence can be started that switches
on the plasma and will carry out a routine check of the instrument’s
performance by generating a performance report. All measurement
modes that have been previously defined by the user will be set up. In
case that the performance of the instrument does not match the
requirements from the performance report, an autotune sequence or
mass calibration will be automatically be triggered to fix the problems.
Afterwards, a second performance report is generated.
The measurement modes settings STD, KED and CCT for samples
containing matrix load are provided by Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Additionally, the modes STDS, KEDS and CCTS are provided for
optimized sensitivity for samples without matrix load. The Lab Manager
may create company-specific measurement modes.
Before Operating the System
Before operating the system, it is recommended to check the tubings of
the peristaltic pump.
To check the pump tubings
1. Make sure that the tubings of the peristaltic pump are not damaged
or clogged.
2. Make sure that the tubings of the peristaltic pump are secured with
the collars and brackets.
If the sample to be analyzed contains a high percentage of
organic solvent, the pump tubing should be replaced with
solvent-resistant pump tubing.
Getting Ready with the Experiment Editor
To start the system
1. Open the Experiment Editor. As a default, the Dashboard page
The Dashboard gives a complete overview about the iCAP Q mass
spectrometer and all installed peripherals.