Parts List
2 x base plate 1
6 x long frames 2
6 x short frames 3
5 x short rods 4
6 x long rods 5
1 x large gear wheel 6
1 x medium gear wheel 7
8 x small gear wheels 8
2 x small sprockets 9
3 x medium sprockets 10
1 x large sprocket 11
1 x medium pulley wheel 13
1 x small pulley wheel 14
4 x tire wheels 15
4 x long axle shafts 16
1 x medium axle shaft 17
3 x short axle shafts 18
1 x engine shaft 19
1 x black cable 20
1 x red cable 21
1 x battery holder 22
1 x solar module 23
1 x solar engine 24
2 x shaft plugs 25
26 x anchor pins 26
142 x chain links 29
1 x crane hook with spool and cord 28
Heavy Duty Construction Crane
The arm of this heavy construction crane is mounted at a slight angle. The hook is all the way at the front of the model, while the engine is all the
way down on the base plate, with the drive train passing through two very long chains. That is how the great distance is bridged from one end to the
“Crooked” Construction
For our final project, we will build a heavy construc-
tion crane. The unusual thing about it is that the
frame sections are assembled a little crookedly, rather
than at a right angle. This is made possible by anchor
pins arranged so that they are offset from one an-
other, with large and small frames mounted on these
anchor pins.
This crane is a very large model. That makes it all the
more crucial that you assemble everything carefully
and that you make sure that everything is attached
securely. Wheels, pulleys, and chains have to turn
easily. The chains are very long, so be sure that their
sprocket wheels are precisely aligned. Otherwise, they
will get twisted. The crane spool and the pulleys have
to guide the cord reliably, so adjust all the wheels and
pulleys carefully.