Safety Information
Dear Parents,
This experiment kit will introduce your child to the exciting world of solar technology. Equipped with this manual and the material
in this kit, your child could well be on his or her way to becoming a future engineer designing high-tech energy systems.
But first, it is natural to have concerns about safety. The experiment set in front of you conforms to U.S. and European safety stan-
dards. These standards include requirements for manufacturers, but they also require that parents stand by their children’s side
with help and advice. Please tell your child to read all directions and safety instructions and to keep them close at hand for easy
reference. Emphasize to your child that he or she should always follow all the instructions and rules of the experiments.
For performing experiments without solar energy, a 1.5-volt AA battery is required, which could not be included in this kit due to its
limited shelf life. Please be sure to remove any dead battery from the kit and dispose of it appropriately.
We wish you and your young solar hobbyist a lot of fun and success with these experiments.
Safety Warning for Parents:
• Warning: Intended exclusively for children at least 8 years of age!
Safety Warnings for Children:
• Do not insert the cables into an electrical outlet.
• Do not connect the motor box to other power sources.
• The experiment kit should not be connected to other energy sources.
• Do not charge non-rechargeable batteries.
• Different battery types or new and used batteries are not to be used together.
• Use only the recommended battery types.
• Always insert batteries with positive and negative ends in the proper direction!
• Dispose of dead batteries properly and without delay.
• Do not attach the connection clamps to each other.
• Safety equipment, such as components for restricting current, should not be tampered with.
First Edition. Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart/2004
This work, including all its components, is copyright protected. Any use, outside the specific limits of the copyright law,
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work is free from other copyright or other protection.
© 2004 Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart
Text: Tobias and Reinhold Pehle
Project Manager: Gerhard Gasser
Photos: Medien Kommunikation, Unna, up to p. 6, p. 7 top: Kopf AG, Umwelt- und Energietechnik, Sulz-Bergfelden,
p. 11 bottom: HONDA, Deutschland; Inside back cover: public domain image courtesy of NREL.
Original Layout and editing: FROMM MediaDesign GmbH, Selters im Taunus
Second Edition, Thames & Kosmos LLC, Providence, RI, U.S.A.
© 2006, 2012 English Translation
® Thames & Kosmos is a registered trademark of Thames & Kosmos LLC.
Translation: David Gamon
Editorial and Production: Ted McGuire
Copy Editing: Jed Wilcox, Christa Raimondo, Stephanie McQuillan
Printed in Taiwan/Imprimé en Taiwan