16. Now you’ll need a short (3) and a long frame (2), a short rod (4),
a long axle shaft (16), two small gear wheels (8), a small pulley wheel
(14), and five anchor pins (26).
18. In order to be able to run the cable even higher, mount the medium
pulley wheel (13) on a long rod (5) with a short axle shaft (18).
20. Now mount the arm onto the crane. The arm is positioned at an
angle with the help of the offset anchor pins.
17. Now combine the two sections of the arm. Adjust the position of
the small pulley wheel so that it is aligned with the crane spool.
19. Attach this rod to the arm and guide the cord over both pulley
wheels. Make sure that the top and forward axles turn easily.
21. Finally, mount chains made of 74 and 68 links (29). For the model
to work well, all the chains and wheels have to move easily.