TMS320F280x SDFlash Programming Utilities
F280x SDFlash Algo V1.1
Texas Instruments Inc. 5
2. Release
This release of the SDFlash Algo’s is based on Flash API V302. This API is available on the TI website
(SPRC193). Please check the TI website for future updates to the API.
Some traditional programming utilities have separate operations for “Clear” and “Erase”. These two
operations have been combined into one operation referred to only as “Erase”.
Note: The CSM will be permanently locked if the CSM password locations are loaded with all 0x0000
and the device is secured. During the combined “Erase” function, a sector clear is immediately
followed by an erase operation without resetting the device. This will help avoid permanently
locking the CSM. Do not program the CSM passwords with all 0x0000.
SDFlash does not support the XDS560 scan controller.
You should not run SDFlash and Code Composer at the same time. This results in two different
applications trying to control the DSP. During programming, SDFlash will have complete control of the
device. No user application code can be running in parallel.
3. Known
SDFlash only programs sections linked to page 0 (i.e. program) memory. For F280x users it is important to
make sure that sections such as .switch, and .const/.econst section are linked to page 0 and not page 1 for
SDFlash to program it.
When specifying User Options for SDFlash functions do not use a leading 0x in front of the number. Enter
only the hex value with no leading 0x. For example: correct: 03FF incorrect: 0x03FF