TMS320F280x SDFlash Programming Utilities
F280x SDFlash Algo V1.1
Texas Instruments Inc. 10
Modify the SDFlash project (if required) to locate the various elements such as device driver,
algorithm file and flash data file.
If you installed Code Composer Studio (CCS) and SDFlash in the <CCS base> and <SDFlash base>
directories shown below, then usually only the Flash Data File on the Program Tab, and possibly the
Emulator Address/ID on the Target Tab needs to be changed.
By default all flash projects are setup relative to the default TI CCS base directory "c:\ti". For example:
default Code Composer install directory: "c:\ti"
default is <CCS>\specdig\SDFlash
SDFlash binary
default is <CCS>\specdig\SDFlash
Flash projects
default is <CCS>\specdig\SDFlash\myprojects\<projectname>
To change any of the directory paths or project settings from their default values, open the project settings
dialog box: Project->Settings
The fields that require directory paths in the Project->Settings window are summarized below:
Target Tab:
Erase Tab:
Programming Tab:
Verify Tab:
-Algorithm File
-Algorithm File
-Algorithm File
-Board File
-Flash Data File
Target Tab:
Driver: This is the Code Composer Studio
emulation driver (*.dvr) file that is used to communicate
with the target. The driver files can be found in the <CCS>\drivers\ directory.
default for the eZdsp:
default for other 510PP+/SPI515 etc:
Emulator Address/ID: default is 378 for the 510pp, it is 510 for the USB driver. This address must
match the setting in your SDConfig setup.
Board file: File that provides SDFlash information on how many devices are on the JTAG scan
chain. For a single 28x device on the scan chain, the default board file can be used. For systems
with more devices on the scan chain, use the board file generated by Code Composer Studio to
access your device. This file is found in the <CCS>\cc\bin\BrdDat directory.
The default board file is <SDFlash>\myprojects\tif280x_V1_0\ccBrd028x.dat
Processor name: default is cpu_0
The location of the SDFlash directories may be different for your particular installation.
For example, the <CCS base> directory for some Code Composer Studio installations
will be C:\CCStudio_v3.1.
In this case, the SDFlash project will need to be updated to reflect the directory
structure of your install.
To change any of the directory paths or project settings from their default values, open
the project settings dialog box: Project->Settings