TMS320F280x SDFlash Programming Utilities
F280x SDFlash Algo V1.1
Texas Instruments Inc. 12
Save the SDFlash project file: File->Save Project As. Once you have made the required changes
select ok and save the project using the name of your choice: File->Save Project As.
If you changed the Emulator Address/ID setting on the Target Tab, you should get a message that the
current driver was unloaded and a new driver has been loaded. This operation is required to
synchronize the SDFlash project settings with SDConfig. If you did not change the Emulator
Address/ID, then you will not get this message.
You have now created an SDFlash project that can be used anytime you want to erase or program the
device using these settings. Should you want to program a different .out file into the F280x flash, use
this project as a template and change the Flash Data File on the Program Tab.
Configure the algorithm for the required PLL multiplier and CPU frequency.
For custom CPU frequency and PLL multiplier, you must follow the instructions in section
7 to properly configure the algorithms before continuing. As supplied, the algorithm is
configured for:
PLLCR = 0x000A (PLL x10/2 mode), and CPU frequency = 100MHz
The erase and program operations MUST be configured for the CPU clock rate
(SYSCLKOUT) at which they will run. This configuration is VITAL for proper
operation of the algorithm.
As supplied, the algorithm is configured for:
PLLCR = 0x000A (PLL x10/2 mode), and CPU frequency = 100MHz
For custom CPU frequency and PLL multiplier, you must follow the instructions in
section 7 to properly configure the algorithms before continuing.
Optional: View which sections are going to be programmed (i.e. loaded) using the
View->Coff/Hex file stats SDFlash function.
Make sure that no RAM locations are marked as load sections.
Constant sections (i.e. .const/.econst) must be linked to page 0 (i.e. program memory) for
SDFlash to program them.
It is suggested to not program the CSM password locations (0x3F7FF8-0x3F7FFF) during
development since flash contents will be changed often.
If programming the OTP, note that it can only be programmed once. It cannot be erased.
6.10. Reset the device: Device->Reset. You will get a pass/fail message in the output window.
6.11. Erase/Program/Verify your device: Device->-Flash. Check or un-check the operation(s) you want to
perform then select start. Each checked operation is executed from left to right, with continue on
success and abort on fail. Refer to Section 11 for tips should a failure occur.